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Michael (Path of Angels Book 1) Page 5

  The voice cut into Lake’s thoughts of revenge. He slid into the back seat of the car. “Yup.”

  The man, Lev, smiled at Lake. He tapped on the window between the backseat and the front, and the car pulled smoothly into traffic. Cop cars and fire trucks raced past as they left the school behind. Lake was tempted to turn and watch the smoke rising from the building. He resisted. There was no going back on his decision. He found his path and he was resolved to walk it.

  “What’s next?”

  Lev took his time answering. “Back to the club. Other angels are waiting for me. Important matters to discuss.”


  “Nothing you need to worry about, my dear Lake Divine,” Lev purred.

  Lake snorted and leaned back against the seat. “Whatever.”

  “Are you still bitter with me?”

  “You deserve it,” Lake snapped. “You beat me down as much as the others did. Telling me I was no good and worthless. You should be at the top of my list of people to get revenge on.”

  “I only did it to build your strength.” Lev raised an eyebrow at Lake. “And what strength you have. I have never seen a Nephilim embrace his power and thrive the way you have.”

  “Jaz says it’s because I’m an empathic vampire. I can pull emotions into myself and use the power they create.”

  A smile curled Lev’s lips. “Yes. Each Nephilim is uniquely gifted and yours are quite special. Empaths can rarely do more than feel the emotions of others around them.”

  “What are your gifts?”

  Lev’s expression turned somber, his voice heavy. “Alas, I do not have any. They were stripped with my wings.”

  A shudder rolled through Lake at the thought of having his wings ripped off. As much as he hated being different, his wings were a part of him. It would be like losing an arm.

  “I do not regret my actions,” Lev assured him. He motioned to the city passing by. “Down here am I free to believe what I want and live my life as I feel fit. God no longer rules over me. I miss my wings, but I still have freedom to fly. I am not completely powerless, either. I can hide what the archangels did to me from humans, but it’s difficult and takes a lot of energy.”

  Lake suppressed another shudder as he remembered his glimpse of Lev’s true appearance.

  The rest of the drive passed in silence. When they arrived at the Devil’s Lair, Lev left with the angel, Jaz, who had served Lake the night he had first come to the club. She blew Lake a kiss before disappearing into the office.

  Lake helped himself to a drink and food behind the bar, then headed through the door marked Employees Only. Doors lined the narrow hallway, most shut, but a few were open. Nephilims occupied the rooms. Lake paused at one. A girl a few years younger than him sat on the bed, a book floating before her. It dropped onto the pink blankets with a soft thud. She gave him a bright smile.

  “Hi, Lake.”

  He grinned back. He hoped being greeted in a friendly manner never grew old. It was something he cherished after being denied for so long. She probably felt the same. “Hey, Ariel.”

  His room was a few doors down from Ariel’s. A huge bed sat in the middle with dark red drapes hanging from four posters. A seventy inch flat-screen TV took up most of one wall. Movies he had always wanted but had never been able to afford were stacked in a towering bookshelf. Fancy artwork hung on another wall. His favorite was the painting of Paris at night. He’d spend hours staring at it, imagining going to the faraway city. It was possible now. He could do anything he wanted, Lev had assured him. He had the power, and he’d be damned if he let anyone try to take it away.


  “Get up.”

  Jaz stood in the middle of the boxing ring, hands planted on her hips. Lake grabbed the plastic-coated ropes and dragged himself to his feet. He panted to regain the breath her throw had knocked from his lungs. Before he could fully recover, Jaz turned into a blur. His legs flew out from underneath him. If not for his one arm still wrapped around the ropes, he would have been flat on his back. He struggled to right himself and block her throws, but she was too fast. Her knuckles slammed into his face and stars danced in his vision. His grip on the ropes loosened and he collapsed. Jaz pounced on him, sitting on his chest, pinning his arms with her knees. He weakly slapped the mat in defeat.

  With a cat-like grin, Jaz stood. “You’re getting better…a little.”

  Lake rolled over onto his stomach. Every muscle in his body ached and each breath was a struggle. “Why do I even need to know how to fight? I have my powers.”

  “Archangels have abilities you can only dream of, and can silence your powers,” she replied. “But they are as mortal as you. They have to be born into this world to travel in it. Unless, of course, they piss God off and he tosses them out. Not that an archangel would. They’re God’s little pets.” Her face twisted in disgust.

  “They can be killed the same way as a human?”

  “Yes. Which is why you need to learn to fight if you are going to kill them.” Jaz grabbed a small towel and dabbed at her forehead.

  All the moisture left Lake’s mouth as he watched the white fabric slide over her skin. It was hard to picture Jaz as anything other than the radiant beauty she was. Flowing red hair, emerald eyes, curves, porcelain skin, and a smile that promised pleasures beyond imagination.

  Lake had never been with a girl before. Hadn’t wanted too, but damn, did he want to be with Jaz.

  She caught him staring, and her lips curled into a seductive smile. Her hips swayed with each step that drew her closer to him. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the towel at Lake. It landed on his face. “Why don’t you go take a cold shower? You could use one.” She sauntered off without another word.

  A soft chuckle broke the spell hanging over Lake. He jumped and whirled around. Lev stood in the doorway, a drink in hand. He strolled to Lake. “I should talk with Jaz. She’s doing it again and I don’t think she realizes it.” He picked up the towel at Lake’s feet. “Or maybe she does.”

  “Doing what?” Lake asked.

  Lev laughed again. “Jaz has an effect on men, especially young, pliable Nephilims. They fall head over heels for her and make complete fools of themselves without realizing it.” He gripped Lake’s shoulder tightly. “I’m telling you because I don’t want to see you humiliated. Especially when I know that’s not what attracts you. Remember, how you see us is only an illusion.”

  Heat raced up Lake’s face. Away from Jaz’s influence, his thoughts were clear and he couldn’t understand why he had wanted to throw himself at her feet.

  Lev patted his shoulder again, as if knowing his thoughts. “You look like you trained hard today.”

  “Jaz says I have potential.”

  Lev smirked. “It will only be a matter of time before you can face an archangel and destroy it.”

  “I don’t think I could kill someone.”

  Lev’s grip on his shoulder turned painful. Red seeped into his eyes and venom dripped from his words. For a moment, Lake saw the real Lev, a walking skeleton with stumps for wings. “They want our deaths and would kill you without hesitation, and they would not feel the slightest bit of guilt. In their minds, we don’t deserve to live.” The anger faded from him and his image turned back to normal. “Get cleaned up. I have duties to attend to, and I will see you later.”

  Lake nodded and headed for the showers. Stripping off his sweat-soaked clothing, he lingered under the hot spray. The heat warmed the cold churning in his stomach.

  Lev’s words were true. If an archangel found Lake, he would be dead. They were just another person trying to stomp him down. Like his mother. Like his classmates. Like the world. Like Michael.

  Well, he wasn’t giving in. He’d master his powers and learn how to fight. He’d beat the archangels like he had everyone else. Lake Divine was not someone to mess with.

  Finishing in the bathroom, and lifted by his personal pep talk, Lake headed into the club. The room was packed with p
eople and noise, and the air was thick with smoke and heat. A jumble of emotions beat like waves at his mind. After the exhausting workout, he barely had the energy to hold the barrage of feelings back. He fought his way toward the Employees Only door and the quiet his room offered. Halfway there, he froze.

  Michael stood at the entrance with his three friends, presenting IDs to the bouncer. After a moment of scrutiny, they were allowed inside. The four men broke apart and headed in opposite directions. Michael slid into a booth in the corner and motioned to a waitress.

  Fatigue and the quest for peace forgotten, Lake changed direction and headed for Michael. Memories of him running flooded Lake’s thoughts and made his pulse race. He shoved through the crowd, stopping at Michael’s table. Michael’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Lake smiled. Revenge would be easy.


  Michael’s stomach twisted with shock and horror at the sight of Lake. His voice choked in his throat, but he forced the words out, loud and clear. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  Lake’s smile widened. “And why not? Because I’m underage? Am I being a bad boy who needs to be punished?”

  Michael gulped down a breath. Erotic images filled his brain and his pants tightened. He shifted uncomfortably. Now wasn’t the time for weakness. He was on a mission to discover if the club held any clues to the book and destroy any Fallen he met.

  Why did Lake have to appear here out of all the places in the city?

  Michael glanced around the club. Any number of the people crammed into the room could be an enemy. The sweltering body heat made it impossible for Michael to sense Fallen cold. If anything happened to Lake… Michael would never forgive himself.

  “What’s the matter?” Lake’s eyes narrowed. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”

  Michael thought he detected hurt under Lake’s scowl. “Of course not. I’m just worried. This club is dangerous. You should leave.”

  “You’re here.”

  “I have my reasons.”

  Lake scoffed. “A little danger can be fun.” The dark look turned into a sly grin. He slid next to Michael, pressing his slim body against Michael. His hand was dangerously close to Michael’s erection that was quickly gaining size. “See?”

  Michael struggled to keep his voice steady. “Not this kind of danger.”

  “Are you sure?” Lake gripped Michael, stroking slowly.

  A groan tickled the back of Michael’s throat and he fought to hold it back. He needed to convince Lake to leave. Not let his emotions run wild by the smile on Lake’s face.

  “I think,” Lake said, his lips brushing against Michael’s ear, “you need to loosen up.”

  Before Michael could reply, Lake ducked under the table. His jeans were quickly unzipped and the heat of Lake’s mouth engulfed him. He cried out, his hips jerking. He gripped the edge of the table, teeth clamped on his lower lip to stop any more noises. He bit so hard he tasted blood on his tongue.

  “Lake…you have to stop…this…it isn’t appropriate,” he gasped.

  He was trembling when Lake released him. Brown eyes sparkled at him from under the table. “Why is that?”

  Michael panted, trying to regain control of his spinning thoughts. Focus on the mission! “We’re in public and I don’t—”

  “Dangerous, isn’t it?” Lake purred before wrapping his lips back around Michael’s shaft.

  Michael fought to stay still and quiet. It was all he could manage as Lake’s tongue roamed over his skin. Release started to coil in his stomach. He moaned in protest when Lake stopped just as he was about to burst.

  Lake crawled back up, his breath hot against Michael’s skin. “Maybe you’re right. We should finish this in private.”

  All Michael could do was nod. His brain was mush, and any arguments as to why he should resist were forgotten. He wanted nothing more than to feel Lake’s heat stroking him and setting fireworks off in his body. With Lake’s help, he zipped up his jeans. Lake led him through the crowd and to a door marked Employees Only. Something in his brain murmured uneasily as he followed Lake down the narrow hallway, but his thoughts were too foggy to figure out the reason. His focus was solely on Lake. Wanting Lake. Needing Lake.

  In a large, plush bedroom, Lake pushed Michael onto a king-sized bed. He straddled Michael, rubbing against him and kissing him. Michael forced his tongue into Lake’s mouth, desperate to taste him, but Lake pulled away.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this since I kissed you,” Michael whispered. “I even masturbated to it.”

  “Really?” Surprise flashed across Lake’s face. He seemed to shake himself, smiling seductively, staring into Michael’s eyes.

  Who was this new Lake? What happened to the shy young man from the café?

  The questions ceased to matter when Lake stretched out next to Michael, nibbling his neck and ear before whispering, “Want to have sex?”

  Through the haze of arousal and passion, Michael heard himself whisper, “Oh God, yes.”

  Slowly, Lake peeled Michael’s shirt off. He lazily trailed his hands across Michael’s chest, tweaking one hard nipple, then the other. Michael’s jeans and boxers joined the shirt on the floor quickly. Lake perched between Michael’s legs, barely touching Michael’s skin, making him moan longingly. He grabbed Lake’s hips, trying to maneuver the young man on top of him, but Lake pulled free.

  He waved a finger at Michael. “We need protection before we go any farther.”

  Michael nodded, a sliver of sanity agreeing. He watched Lake rise and cross the room, playing with his erection and imagining how it’d feel to be inside Lake. His strokes started to falter the longer Lake took to return, and the fog clouding his brain began to lift, enabling him to think.

  Something was wrong. He could see it in Lake. His shoulders were too stiff and Michael felt fear brushing against his senses. Why was Lake afraid?

  Michael climbed off the bed, joining Lake and pulling him close. “Lake?”


  Warmth wrapped around Lake, and he froze. The condom he had been trying to ruin slipped through his fingers. He wanted to reach down and grab it, break free of Michael’s touch, but he was paralyzed. How did he get out of this?

  He only wanted revenge on Michael for running. Seduction seemed the easiest way and had always worked in the past. Lure Michael away with an offer of sex, knock him out, and tie him up. When he came to, Lake would punish him.

  But Michael didn’t sleep at Lake’s silent command. He grew more aroused with each passing second, the emotion dredging up memories Lake kept suppressed. It took every ounce of energy he had not to scream when Michael grabbed him.

  “Lake?” Michael’s voice was gentle. He stepped back, turning Lake to face him.

  Lake waited for the onslaught to begin. For Michael to force himself on him. Already he could feel the pain of Michael invading his body.

  “Please, don’t,” he whispered.

  Michael dropped his hands to his sides. He stared at Lake, his gaze penetrating into Lake’s soul. Lake tried to prepare himself for the worst, for the humiliation, but it never came. Michael’s voice was gentle as a summer breeze.

  “Lake, if you don’t want to have sex, that’s okay. I wouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Lake drew a shaky breath. Was Michael saying he… “You won’t hurt me?”


  It was like being released from suffocating bonds. Lake slumped against Michael, tears blurring his vision. Michael didn’t speak as Lake sobbed, his fingers running through Lake’s curls.

  When the tears subsided, Michael stepped back, finding his clothing and dressing. He perched on the bed, patting the spot next to him. “Would you like to talk about it?”

  Lake started to shake his head, but changed his mind. He sat next to Michael, staring at his hands. “I was sixteen when I met my first boyfriend. He was six years older than me, bigger, tall and muscular. People always picked on me, so I thought he could pro
tect me. At first he did. He got me out of trouble with a cop for skipping school. Gave me money when I needed it. He told me he loved me. We never had sex, though. I thought having a boyfriend meant sex, but whenever I brought it up, he said I wasn’t ready. One day, he took me to a motel. He said I was finally ready. I was so excited. When he told me to undress and lie on the bed, I did. He started to tie me up. I was scared, but I trusted him. I believed he wouldn’t hurt me. Then four men appeared. They gave him money and… and... they—”

  “You don’t have to say it,” Michael said gently.

  Lake nodded. “After it was over, he said I was his, and he had more clients lined up. When he called, I was to drop whatever I was doing, even school, come over immediately and do my job. He’d give me one percent of what he was paid. I refused and… got away.”

  “He didn’t come after you?”

  Lake nibbled on his lip. “No, he left me alone.”

  Michael’s brow furrowed. Lake knew he was wondering what was left out, but thankfully he didn’t press. He remained silent, stroking Lake’s curls. The action eased the fear from Lake’s muscles. He rested his head on Michael’s shoulder. When Michael’s fingers trailed down his neck, he laughed.

  “That tickles.”

  “Sorry. How’s this?” The gentle touch caressed Lake’s face.

  Lake sighed. “Perfect.”

  After everything he had been through, it felt strange to be with someone caring. Even Michael’s emotions were gentle, lapping at Lake’s mind and giving insight into Michael’s thoughts.

  Contentment. Even though Lake sensed Michael’s lust for him, he also knew Michael was happy to sit there, holding him.

  Confusion. He felt Michael’s shaken beliefs. This went against what he was taught. But it didn’t matter, because the last emotion Lake felt was…

  Love. The emotion flowed from Michael, enveloping Lake like a blanket.

  Lake flew to his feet and raced out the door, plowing through the crowded club and ignoring the shouts and glares. Outside, in the seclusion of the alley, he caught his breath.

  This hadn’t been part of his plan. The plan was to punish Michael. Not feel something he rarely was: happy.