Michael (Path of Angels Book 1) Page 8
Phoenix meowed and cleaned his face.
“Yup, that will be the day.” Zephyr plucked the cat from her lap and set him on the floor. A quick shower and a brush of her teeth and she was ready for bed. Her toes curled from the cold wood floor surrounding her bed. Whoever decided not to carpet the bedroom-half of the apartment was an idiot. She burrowed under the covers, rubbing her feet against the fabric to chase the chill away. Phoenix joined her, planting himself on a pillow. Making sure pen and paper were near, she settled in. The faint sounds of the city and Phoenix’s purr quickly lulled her to sleep.
Glowing red eyes faintly illuminated Zephyr’s apartment. The creature felt along the window for a way inside. Phoenix stirred at the sound of talons scraping against glass. He rose to his feet, arching his back and baring his teeth, hissing. The figure mimicked him before leaping away. Only when the winged figure was a tiny speck of black did Phoenix curl back up, his eyes locked on the window as if guarding over the sleeping woman.
Grab Zadekiel, Path of Angels Book Two for 99cents.
About the Author
Patricia Josephine’s younger days were spent devoted to art. Inspired by her grandfather, she had creative dreams. Eventually, that led to her writing down stories bouncing in her head. Now she can’t stop. She also writes young adult novels under the name Patricia Lynne.
Patricia lives in Upper Michigan with her husband, hopes one day to have what resembles a small petting zoo, and has a fondness of dying her hair the colors of the rainbow. You can find her lurking on Twitter, Goodreads, or her website.